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bsl sign language book

New Sign Language Book Released!

This pocket sign language book includes 1,700 of the most popular used BSL signs in a convenient sized format. It has an easy to understand structure, together with signs mostly used in their logical place rather than in strict alphabetical order.

120 Convenient pocket sized pages
1700 illustrated signs
Easy location of signs
A must have for anyone learning sign language!

sign language books

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deaf hard hearing


sign language course

This invaluable guide is ideal for all deaf and hard of hearing people as well as proving an indespensible aid to families of deaf people or students wanting to learn to sign. This makes the learning process easier for anyone.

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This signing book has been created, graphically drawn, planned and produced on its entirety, by three born profoundly deaf young men. If there is a sign language book to buy, this must be it. You can find out more just clicking below...



Coming soon! Order Online! We are currently developing an online ordering system to make it even easier for you to order our sign language book. In the mean time click below to us one of our alternative ordering methods.

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